Our Core Values

Every step we take in ministry is governed by these core values:

1. Sound Doctrine: We place a very high priority on accurate, sound theology in our personal lives, ministry, and in the lives of those we teach and disciple. We hold to the Bible as our sole authority in faith and practice and we choose to believe and teach the traditional, historical Baptist faith.

2. Contextual Evangelism: Contextual evangelism in Kichwa culture means that we must preach the Gospel in a way that this oral, animistic culture can understand. For example, we begin all Gospel presentations in Genesis and nearly all of the salvations that we have seen among the Kichwa have come after at least six months of prayer and teaching.

3. Intentional (“Life on Life”) Discipleship: We believe that every Christian should be a devoted follower of Christ. Because of this, we believe that our work is not done when a person comes to Christ, our work is really just beginning. Our goal is to make disciples that make disciples. Because of this, our family lives full-time in a Kichwa village. We believe that our long-term goals would be greatly hindered if we only spent time with our people once a week, or in a classroom or auditorium setting. Just like Jesus spent His life with His disciples, we spend every day with the Kichwa people with the goal of seeing them conformed to the image of Christ. A very large majority of our time and energy is focused on discipleship.

4. Church Planting: We believe in the authority and importance of the local church; therefore, everything we do, including evangelism, discipleship, and the Bible Institute, takes place within the ministry of a local church or with the intention to plant a new church. There are nearly 200 unreached Kichwa villages in our area and the long-term goal of our ministry is to see a church planted in every village.

5. Sustainable Ministry: The model of missionary ministry that we follow is that which focuses on sustainability on the field, without the necessity of the long-term support of missionary personnel and missionary dollars. Our goal is that every church be completely self-supporting and self-governing. We want our churches to be able to start other churches without the need of outside support.